I was wondering how people add their own payment gateways, like PayPal or card payments. I also thought about whether I could add a local Bangladeshi payment gateway to a WooCommerce site. Then I found a playlist on building custom payment gateways. I just finished it and found it really helpful. It might be a little hard for beginners, but it gives a good understanding of how payment gateways work. I recommend it to anyone learning WordPress development or working with it.
Playlist :- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNqG1qGUllk21IES6ZJ2WkX1BcbPQF4-7
দারুণ একটা সিরিজ। শেয়ার করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।
@kmfoysal06 You’re doing great how far you showed from Wp Support Engineer Course. Thanks for sharing the content.
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দারুণ একটা প্লে-লিস্ট শেয়ার করেছেন ভাই। আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ দিলেও কম হয়ে যাবে। ভালো থাকবেন।
Following him since last 1.5 years. He is under-rated.
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thank you so much, means a lot!
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হ্যা ভাই ওনার সাবস দেখে মনে হয়নি যে এরকম ভালো কন্টেন্ট হবে
Thanks Brother That Means A Lot
Thanks To You Brother For Providing Us This Kind of Platform
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Thanks for sharing your knowledge
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