মোট ৪০ দিনে PHP প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাংগুয়েজ শেখার টুডু-লিস্ট - For Beginners

লার্নিং লুপে পরে সময় যদি করতে না চাও “লস” ডেইলি টুডু-লিস্ট ধরে এগিয়ে যাও “বস” । শেয়ার করে রেখে দাও টাইমলাইনে, এই পোষ্ট আনবে তোমায় লাইনে ।

(01) ইন্ট্রোডাকশন টু পিএইচপি এন্ড টুলস সেটআপ
:black_medium_square:What When Why PHP
:black_medium_square:Tools required to go ahead
:black_medium_square:Regular PHP MySQL Setup
:black_medium_square:VS Code & its Extension Setup

(02) রান ইউর ফার্স্ট কোড এন্ড এক্সপ্লোর এক্সিকিউশন
:black_medium_square:Write your First PHP Code & Run
:black_medium_square:Run from terminal command
:black_medium_square:Run from custom server & port
:black_medium_square:Run using PHP server extension

(03) শুরু থেকেই ডিবাগিং এর সাথে পরিচয়
:black_medium_square:Why Debugging important from day 01
:black_medium_square:XDebug Installation
:black_medium_square:Lets Debug Your First Code

(04) ভেরিয়েবল
:black_medium_square:Why What How Variable
:black_medium_square:Variable Naming Conventions
:black_medium_square:Variable Types
:black_medium_square:Find variable memory location
:black_medium_square:Why Memory Addresses Are Not Directly Exposed
:black_medium_square:Variable Scope local and global

(05) কন্সট্যান্ট এন্ড কমেন্টস
:black_medium_square:What What How PHP constant
:black_medium_square:How to define and use PHP constant
:black_medium_square:How to define and use class constant
:black_medium_square:Single-Line Comments
:black_medium_square:Multi-Line Comments

(06) কন্ডিশন If Else, Nested If Else এবং টার্নারি অপারেটর
:black_medium_square:Why How What condition
:black_medium_square:PHP if else
:black_medium_square:PHP elseif
:black_medium_square:PHP elseif vs else if
:black_medium_square:Nested if else
:black_medium_square:Ternary Operators

(7) সুইচ কেইস স্টেটমেন্ট
:black_medium_square:Why How What Switch Case Statement
:black_medium_square:Example of switch case statement
:black_medium_square:What is switch case statement

(8) পিএইচপি ফাংশন এন্ড প্যারামিটারস
:black_medium_square:Why How What is function
:black_medium_square:Built-in Functions
:black_medium_square:User-defined Functions
:black_medium_square:Function With Params
:black_medium_square:Function With Params Default Value

(9) ফাংশন প্যারামিটার টাইপ, ভেরিয়াডিক , এনোনিমাস
:black_medium_square:Type Hinting
:black_medium_square:Multiple type hinting in one parameter
:black_medium_square:Nullable type hints
:black_medium_square:Variadic Functions
:black_medium_square:Anonymous Functions (or Closures)

(10) অ্যারো রিকারসিভ কলব্যাক ফাংশন
:black_medium_square:Arrow functions
:black_medium_square:Recursive Functions
:black_medium_square:Callback Function

(11) ফাংশন রিটার্ন টাইপস
:black_medium_square:Basic Return Types
:black_medium_square:Nullable Return Type
:black_medium_square:Return Type of void
:black_medium_square:Union Return Types
:black_medium_square:Strict mode in PHP

(12) পিএইচপি লুপ
:black_medium_square:Why What How PHP Loop
:black_medium_square:For Loop
:black_medium_square:While Loop
:black_medium_square:Do…While Loop
:black_medium_square: Foreach Loop
:black_medium_square: Break

(13) পিএইচপি অ্যারে শুরু
:black_medium_square:Why What How PHP Array
:black_medium_square:How to write php array
:black_medium_square:Accessing Values
:black_medium_square:For Loop Through an Indexed Array
:black_medium_square:ForEach Loop Through an Indexed Array

(14) অ্যাসোসিয়েটিভ অ্যারে, মাল্টিডাইমেনশনাল অ্যারে
:black_medium_square:Associative arrays
:black_medium_square:Multidimensional arrays
:black_medium_square:Associative Multidimensional Array

(15) অ্যারে ক্রিয়েশন এন্ড ম্যানুপুলেশন মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Creates an array
:black_medium_square:Returns all the values from the array
:black_medium_square:Returns all the keys from the array
:black_medium_square:Combines two arrays
:black_medium_square:Fills an array with values
:black_medium_square:Adds one or more elements to the end of an array
:black_medium_square:Removes the last element from an array
:black_medium_square:Adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array
:black_medium_square:Removes the first element from an array
:black_medium_square:Removes a portion of the array and replaces it with something else
:black_medium_square:Extracts a portion of the array

(16) অ্যারে ইনফরমেশন মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Array Information Functions
:black_medium_square:Counts the number of elements in an array
:black_medium_square:Computes the sum of values in an array
:black_medium_square:Computes the product of values in an array
:black_medium_square:Checks if a value exists in an array
:black_medium_square:Checks if a key exists in an array
:black_medium_square:Searches the array for a given value and returns the first corresponding key

(17) অ্যারে ট্রান্সফরমেশন মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Applies a callback function to the elements of one or more arrays
:black_medium_square:Filters elements of an array using a callback function
:black_medium_square:Merges one or more arrays
:black_medium_square:Replaces values from one array to another
:black_medium_square:Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array
:black_medium_square:Changes the case of all keys in an array
:black_medium_square:Returns the values from a single column of the input array

(18) অ্যারে সর্টিং মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array in ascending order
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array in descending order
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array and maintains index association
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array in reverse order and maintains index association
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array by key
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array by key in reverse order
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array using natural order algorithm
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array using a case-insensitive natural order algorithm
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintains index association
:black_medium_square:Sorts an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function

(19) মাল্টিডাইমেনশনাল অ্যারে মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Multidimensional Arrays Functions
:black_medium_square:Sort multiple arrays at once
:black_medium_square:Returns the values from a single column in the input array
:black_medium_square:Applies a callback to the elements of the given array

(20) অ্যারে ম্যাথ মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Computes the difference of arrays
:black_medium_square:Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check
:black_medium_square:Computes the difference of arrays using keys for comparison
:black_medium_square:Computes the intersection of arrays
:black_medium_square:Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check
:black_medium_square:Computes the intersection of arrays using keys for comparison

(21) অ্যারে ইউটিলিডি মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Removes duplicate values from an array
:black_medium_square:Returns an array with elements in reverse order.
:black_medium_square:Picks one or more random entries out of an array
:black_medium_square:Shuffles (randomizes the order of) the elements in an array
:black_medium_square:Creates an array containing a range of elements

(22) ব্যাসিক স্ট্রিং মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Returns the length of the string
:black_medium_square:Counts the number of words in a string
:black_medium_square:Reverses the string
:black_medium_square:Finds the position of the first occurrence of a substring
:black_medium_square:Returns a portion of the string

(23) স্ট্রিং ম্যানুপুলেশন
:black_medium_square:Replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement.
:black_medium_square:Converts a string to lowercase.
:black_medium_square:Converts a string to uppercase.
:black_medium_square:Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
:black_medium_square:Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string.
:black_medium_square:Removes whitespace or specified characters from the beginning and end of a string

(24) এডভান্স স্ট্রিং মেথডস
:black_medium_square:Splits a string into an array by a delimiter.
:black_medium_square:Joins array elements into a single string with a glue string.
:black_medium_square:Splits a string into an array of equal-length substrings
:black_medium_square:Converts special characters to HTML entities.
:black_medium_square:Calculates the MD5 hash of a string

(25) ওয়ার্কিং উইথ জেসন
:black_medium_square:Why What How JSON
:black_medium_square:Use case of JSON
:black_medium_square:JSON Encode
:black_medium_square:JSON Decode

(26) ওয়ার্কিং উইথ সেশন
:black_medium_square:Why What How Session
:black_medium_square:Session Store Retrieve and Clear
:black_medium_square:Where Session store data
:black_medium_square:Advantages of Sessions
:black_medium_square:Limitations of Sessions

(27) ওয়ার্কিং উইথ কুকি
:black_medium_square:Why What How Cookies
:black_medium_square:How to set , get & clear cookies
:black_medium_square:Cookies properties

(28) টাইপ অফ পিএইচপি এরর
:black_medium_square:Parse Error
:black_medium_square:Fatal Error
:black_medium_square:Warning Error
:black_medium_square:Notice Error
:black_medium_square:Deprecated Error
:black_medium_square:Strict Error
:black_medium_square:Recoverable Fatal Error
:black_medium_square:User Errors

(29) এরর হ্যান্ডেলিং
:black_medium_square:What How Why Error Handling
:black_medium_square:Throw new Exception
:black_medium_square:Handle exception with try catch block

(30) ওয়ার্কিং উইথ ফাইল
:black_medium_square:Read a File
:black_medium_square:Write to a File
:black_medium_square:Append to a File
:black_medium_square:Delete a File

(31) ওয়ার্কিং উইথ ফোল্ডার
:black_medium_square:Create a Folder
:black_medium_square:Delete a Folder
:black_medium_square:Read a Folder
:black_medium_square:Check Folder Existence

(32) ওয়ার্কিং উইথ ডেট টাইম
:black_medium_square:Returns the current date and time in the specified format.
:black_medium_square:Formatting Dates
:black_medium_square:Working with Timestamps
:black_medium_square:Date and Time Difference
:black_medium_square:Getting Timezone Information

(33) (OOP) অবজেক্ট ওরিয়েন্টেড প্রোগ্রামিং শুরু
:black_medium_square:Why What How OOP
:black_medium_square:Class & Object
:black_medium_square:Accessing Class Properties Inside Class
:black_medium_square:Constructor Parameters
:black_medium_square:Set Class variables value using constructor parameters

(34) (OOP) স্ট্যাটিক
:black_medium_square:Static Properties
:black_medium_square:Static Methods
:black_medium_square:Accessing Static Properties Inside Class Methods

(35) OOP ইনহেরিটেন্স এবস্ট্রাকশন ফাইনাল
:black_medium_square:Parent Keyword
:black_medium_square:Overriding Methods
:black_medium_square:Final Keyword
:black_medium_square:Abstract Classes

(36) (OOP) ইনহেরিটেন্স কন্সট্রাক্টর এন্ড স্ট্যাটিক
:black_medium_square:Constructors and Inheritance
:black_medium_square:Static properties and Inheritance

(37) (OOP) একসেস মডিফায়ার
:black_medium_square:Why What How Access modifiers
:black_medium_square:public – accessible everywhere
:black_medium_square:protected – accessible within the class and its subclasses (inheritance)
:black_medium_square:private – accessible only within the class itself

(38) (OOP) ইন্টারফেইস
:black_medium_square:Why How What is Interface
:black_medium_square:Syntax of an Interface
:black_medium_square:Implementing an Interface
:black_medium_square:Multiple Interfaces

(39) (OOP) মেথড ওভারলোডিং
:black_medium_square:Why How What Method Overloading in PHP
:black_medium_square:Method overloading in PHP is achieved using the __call()
:black_medium_square:Method overloading in PHP is achieved using the __callStatic()

(40) (OOP) এনক্যাপসুলেশন পলিমরফিজম
:black_medium_square:Why How What Encapsulation
:black_medium_square:Encapsulation example
:black_medium_square:Why How What Polymorphism
:black_medium_square:Polymorphism example


Welcome, Rabbil Bhai. Thank you for sharing the valuable guidelines.

“ডেইলি টুডু-লিস্ট” ধরে শিখলে জার্নিটা অনেক সহজ হয়ে যাবে। আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ ভাই।

PHP দিয়ে কি মেশিনলার্নিং করা যায়?

Thank you for sharing

Onek onek dhonnobad rabbil vai…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: