Most beginner-friendly WordPress Page Builder? (From the client's POV)

If you are building a simple website (like a portfolio) for a client and the client will edit the copy and add images to the website, which website builder will you use?
What is the most beginner-friendly WP website builder?

Definitely Elementor


Elementor page builder

Elementor Better. But Divi also good too

Elementor free/paid version

Please suggest another builder. Elementor is an Israeli product Bhai. I’m trying to avoid any products affiliated with Israel.

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I will try Divi bhai.

Don’t post same comment.

Sorry bhai. Shob Comment er reply dite giye ei obostha hoise. :neutral_face:

I’ll try anything from Soflyy,

Oxygen builder
Breakdance (more beginner friendly IMO)

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+1 for Breakdance Builder
Give your client Editor Access with content-only capability

Bhai please check other Page/Site Builders as well Bricks [Dev Friendly] | Breakdance Builder | Cwicly | Droip | GenerateBlocks and another one coming soon - EtchWP
These are far far better products than Elementor with clean code output and powerful features