If you are building a simple website (like a portfolio) for a client and the client will edit the copy and add images to the website, which website builder will you use?
What is the most beginner-friendly WP website builder?
Definitely Elementor
Elementor page builder
Elementor Better. But Divi also good too
Elementor free/paid version
Please suggest another builder. Elementor is an Israeli product Bhai. I’m trying to avoid any products affiliated with Israel.
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I will try Divi bhai.
Don’t post same comment.
Sorry bhai. Shob Comment er reply dite giye ei obostha hoise.
I’ll try anything from Soflyy,
Oxygen builder
Breakdance (more beginner friendly IMO)
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Bhai please check other Page/Site Builders as well Bricks [Dev Friendly] | Breakdance Builder | Cwicly | Droip | GenerateBlocks and another one coming soon - EtchWP
These are far far better products than Elementor with clean code output and powerful features