Learn Tailwind CSS in 5 Days Part 2

Learn Tailwind CSS in 5 days: Part 2

Today I want to share a simple comparative sheet with you that captures the essential features of CSS and Tailwind CSS:

:art: Typography

:straight_ruler: Sizing

:framed_picture: Borders

↔️ Spacing

With this sheet, you can understand how commonly used CSS styles are transformed into Tailwind CSS classes. For example:

• CSS: font-size: 16px;

Tailwind: text-base

• CSS: width: 100%;

Tailwind: w-full

• CSS: border: 1px solid #ddd;

Tailwind: border border-gray-300

• CSS: margin: 20px 0;

Tailwind: my-5

It could be a fantastic suggestion to start learning Tailwind CSS. What do you think about your experience with Tailwind CSS? Let me know in the

Learn Tailwind CSS in 5 Days Part 2
comments! tailwindcss webdevelopment #CSSFramework #WebDesign #CodeTips